HighStep Systems AG is pleased to announce its participation in the upcoming CIGAR 2024 in Paris, which will take place from 25 to 30 August 2024. CIGRE is a world-leading platform for the development and exchange of expertise in the field of energy transmission and distribution. Participation in this prestigious event underlines our commitment to raising safety standards in the industry and showcasing innovative solutions that make working at heights safer and more efficient.
Importance of participating in CIGRE 2024
CIGRE, the International Committee for Large Electrical Networks, brings together experts from all over the world to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the field of energy transmission. For HighStep Systems AG, participating in CIGRE 2024 offers the opportunity to present our advanced fall protection systems and their benefits to a global audience. Our goal is to improve the safety of workers in the energy industry while increasing efficiency and ergonomics when working in hard-to-reach places.
HighStep Systems fall and climb protection systems for power poles
An outstanding example of our innovations is our specially developed system for safe working on electricity pylons. Our HighStep system offers continuous safety and makes access to high workplaces much easier.
HighStep System Overview of advantages
1.Maximum fall protection: The HighStep system offers maximum safety. The user is permanently and repeatedly secured to the rail. Once secured, it is impossible to slip or fall.
2. Maintenance-free: The HighStep rail and all fastening parts are maintenance-free. Regular checks after installation are not necessary.
3. Efficiency: HighStep offers excellent cost-effectiveness through low long-term follow-up costs and time savings when climbing.
4. Future-oriented technology: The HighStep rail remains the unchangeable system basis on which future applications can run.
By participating in CIGRE 2024, we want to present the benefits of our system to a broad professional audience and at the same time gain valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the industry. We are convinced that our solutions can make a significant contribution to safety and efficiency in the energy industry.
We cordially invite all CIGRE 2024 participants to visit our booth and learn more about our innovative fall protection systems. Let's make the future of energy transmission safer together.